Next League Match
Game URL: click here!
Opponents: S-Team
Kit: BLACK (bring white also)
Time: 2.30pm
- Alex
- Chao Xing
- Amir
- Chris
- Chuan Ji
- Clement
- Faizee
- Jake
- Jerome
- Jiun Wei
- Randy
- Seng Yew
- Wei Long
- Vick
- Harish
Tentative addition (x1 only)
- Oreo (tentative)
Last 3 games are crucial to the title chase. VNPNUS has cut the lead to 2 points though we still have 1 game in hand. Even so, nothing should be taken for granted. We must and we will beat S-Team to claim 3 points.
“It’s the oldest cliché of the lot, but we have to take each game as it comes.” - Alan Smith
Take each match as it comes, that we shall do.
It's still a long way to go. Focus! Focus! Focus!
First things first, let's get those vital 3 points this weekend, dudes.
As always, here's a lil' something to pump up blood and rev up for the match!
Mavericks Fighting!