Mavericks with yet another victory in massive poll coup
In the recent SoccerToday poll, Mavericks has officially been voted the worst team in Singapore. The results are as follow.
5% Bunch of void deck kids FC
84% Mavericks FC
4% Newcastle Utd
6% The Great Balooku Revival
1% John O'Shea
The Mavericks board has met the result with delight and states that this is one of the many ways the team hopes to repay their fans' undying support.
5% Bunch of void deck kids FC
84% Mavericks FC
4% Newcastle Utd
6% The Great Balooku Revival
1% John O'Shea
The Mavericks board has met the result with delight and states that this is one of the many ways the team hopes to repay their fans' undying support.